Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Clash of the Titans!!

Should America Bring Democracy to the World?

This years debate topic was one that I had been hearing everywhere for the past year… news, class, you name it has been talked about.

This debate brought some of the foremost political leaders of our day to talk about whether or not America should bring democracy to the world. The common ground between these four notable speakers was that they all believed that America should bring democracy to other countries, but the differences came in on how that should be done. Here are their responses and thoughts:

Karl Rove former advisor to President Bush was the first to speak. His immediate response to the question was, "Yes. It's in our national security interest." He talked about the pro’s of democracy and how ultimately it leads to more peaceful and stable government. Charlie Rose then posed the question about the progression of implementing democracy to which Karl Rove responded, “Successful, but the spotlight is on Iraq.” He then made mention of the positive advancement of democracy in countries in Africa and also in Japan and Europe.

General Barry McCaffrey' stance is that democracy is a successful form of government. He specifically stated that he agreed with the hypothesis of democracy, but that we should not forget the disaster it could pose by intervening in other countries with different cultures. He also added later on in the debate that freedom and liberty are of less value than food and other amenities in developing countries.

Gov. Jeb Bush said that we have a role to engage those who are struggling, but that we should not impose democracy on them. He gave these reasons why we should engage:
1. If the United States doesn't do it, who will?
2. Support for democracy isn't done in isolation or against national security interests.
3. It must be done over the long term. It will take a generation of time.
4. We live in an interconnected world that is dramatically different, and more dangerous.
5. Freedom and Liberty is world-wide, for all people.

Max Cleland, former U.S. Senator that we should lead by example, not by force. He then said that, "Leadership by example is hard, the toughest thing on earth." He also referenced Matthew 5:16 by saying that we should “Let your light shine,” not make it shine. He compared that to democracy by saying that we cannot force democracy on anyone.

There were a couple of heated moments about Osama Bin Laden and the war. Overall, the debate was interesting and thought provoking. It makes one think about the issues that our world is facing today. I think democracy can be successful, but a country has to be some what developed to be able to sustain it. Economics play a huge part. If people of a particular country are not having their basic needs met then most likely democracy is not going to work. Survival is going to be more important to them. Other important factors to have a healthy democratic nation are having legitimacy, sovereignty, and authority. Without respect for the government, the country and its leaders it is going to be hard to move forward into democracy.
“Democracy is not easy. It is a complex, finely balanced system that depends on a political culture that grows best under a market economy with a large, educated middle class and a tradition of pluralism. Centuries of religious and philosophical evolution prepare democratic attitudes. Iraq lacked all these. Eventually Iraq or any other country can turn democratic, but it may take some time” (Cord, Jones, Medeiros, & Roskin, 2006).

Thursday, October 11, 2007

CD Recommendations...

This CD is simply amazing. Their music is so anointed. If I'm ever having a bad day all I have to do is listen to anything by Hillsong. I would recommend getting any of their CDs... you won't be disappointed. My two favorite songs are "Savior King" & "Hosanna."
Hosanna Lyrics:
"Heal my heart and make it clean, Open up my eyes to the things unseen, Show me how to love like you have loved me, Break my heart for what breaks yours, Everything I am for your kingdom's cause, As I walk from earth into eternity"

Phil Wickham's new cd, "Cannons" came out about a week ago. I
haven't bought it yet, but I have heard a few of his new songs &
they're awesome. I have his first cd & really like it. His lyrics are
raw, moving, and encouraging, they come from a heart that passionately loves God. So check him out.

This week has been kind of crazy. As Regent students know it's the last week of this session. HALLELUJAH! This session has been my busiest thus far, but it's almost over. I only have 3 huge papers, 3 blackboard posts, 4 reply posts, & a final due by Monday. That's not too much is it? :) Needless to say, Pray for me!

Friday, October 5, 2007


n. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration

Alicia's definition: Dreams are desires and goals that give us something to strive for, they shape us and keep us going, they add enjoyment to this life...

It's funny because a few years ago I had a notion of what I wanted to do with my life career wise. It consisted of me graduating with a degree in Government & then going on to law school. From there working in government & eventually becoming a judge. I still have those dreams, but over the past year God has completely expanded my notions.

As the days go by my dreams are morphing into His... It's amazing. Just lately it's like God's slowly unveiling His plan for my life. His plan consists of things that I never had a desire or passion to do, but now they have become my hearts very desire. He has changed the desires of my heart to match what He wants for me, what He knows I need. He’s awakened desires that have been dormant. He’s molding my heart more and more into who He wants me to be, and He lines up my desires for myself with His desires for me.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law.”

Having a vision or dream for our lives is important. Dreams can easily be lost through failures, lies of the enemy, relationships… but all hope is not lost. God gives us our dreams, if we seek Him He’ll revive the dreams that were lost or stolen from us. We can then have the freedom to walk out our calling and see those dreams come to past.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who Owns the Moon?

Late night randomness... so I'm sitting here with some friends and a random thought came to mind. Who Owns the Moon? Not having an answer I went to the trusty Then I interviewed my friends & here are the answers that I received.
Lenny – The U.S. government

Bekah – Jesus.... No one can own the moon

Ashley – Nobody, but eventually someone will try to claim it

So there you have it... any thoughts?
*Update... I just read on a news article about how China may get to moon before the U.S. check it out --,2933,299514,00.html

Monday, October 1, 2007

Guess what today is??

The first day of the Supreme Court's new term. Yay! I know you're probably thinking, ok Alicia you're such a nerd. It's probably true. ;)

I have followed the different Supreme Court rulings in the past, but not as much as I probably should have. So, beginning with this term I am going to follow the cases more carefully. Some interesting cases will be heard this session (to name a few... terror laws, gun control, lethal injection) ... but don’t worry I'll keep you updated on the results. :)
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